What Does Somatic Experiencing Help Heal?


Somatic Experiencing has been shown to benefit individuals suffering from trauma such as

Physical Trauma

  1.    Wounds such as medical interventions and auto accidents

  1.    Diseases such as high fever, headaches, migraines, gastrointestinal disorders

  1.    Chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome

  1.    Asphyxiation, birth trauma

  1.    Traumas from natural disasters such as floods, earth quakes, tsunamis

  1.    Rape, sexual abuse, torture, war

Dr. Levine on Somatic Experiencing and Sexual Abuse

Relational/Emotional Trauma

  1.     disconnected from others, in which one is numbed

  1.     too connected to some, with repeated destructive patterns

  1.     loss of a loved one, divorce, separation

Dr. Levine on Somatic Experiencing and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Developmental Trauma

         neglect   abandonment and/or abuse in childhood



    Suffering stress, shock or trauma can feel like it cuts right through you - your body, your feelings and your psyche.

    By mobilizing the body’s innate self-healing capacities, Somatic Experiencing helps to resolve these problems.




“Not a day goes by without something upsetting happening -

but the question is whether we get stuck with it, or whether we move through it.”      

Dr. Levine,

Somatic Experiencing Founder

 “Somatic Experiencing is based on pyschobiological principles grounded in the measurement of the nervous system, and a keen clinical understanding of how the human organism functions.”

S. Hoskinson, Senior Somatic Experiencing Trainer

By working in a careful manner, one can gain a steady confidence in one’s ability to resolve the trauma in a safe, conscious and confident way.

The distressing cycle of symptom escalation of the trauma can potentially be reversed, disolving symptoms and rebuilding confidence.